WDCC Disney Classics The Little Mermaid Scuttle Muddled Mentor Porcelain Figurine


WDCC Disney Classics The Little Mermaid Scuttle Muddled Mentor Porcelain Figurine

WDCC The Little Mermaid Scuttle Muddled Mentor

Status: Available | Condition:New | Edition:The Little MermaidPorcelain Figurine | Dim:3 | WDCC | 4003075


Availability: Yes as of Date: June  26, 2024

No Sales Tax Except In The State Of Florida.


Product Details

Little Mermaid Scuttle Muddled Mentor

Scuttle is available as the 2006 Instant Redemption.
Membership Sculpture (purchased separately).
Only available to order from January 01, 2006 to March 31, 2007.

Edition closes 03/31/07.

Product Details

Tawny-haired mermaid Ariel was one of Disney's most immediately popular animated heroines. Ariel is a girl in the process of becoming an attractive woman. One of her attractive qualities is that she is very definite about what she is doing and very confident about her own ability to succeed. Of course, a good deal of that confidence is ill-placed, as she is just a teenager. Although she is warned by her father, King Triton, that humans are dangerous, Ariel stubbornly believes otherwise and has an insatiable curiosity about them. She explores human artifacts (sunken ships, etc.) and is constantly going into forbidden territory: the surface. This, of course, leads her to love ... and trouble.