Home >> Alice In Wonderland >> Alice In Wonderland White Rabbit No Time To Say Hello-Goodbye-Ornament >> 11K-41373-0 >> WDCC Disney Classics
WDCC Alice In Wonderland White Rabbit No Time To Say Hello-Goodbye-Ornament
Status: Only 1 Available | Condition:New | Edition:Alice In WonderlandPorcelain Figurine | Dim:4 | WDCC | 11K-41373-0
Availability: Yes as of Date: January 3, 2025
Product Details
No Time to Say Hello-Goodbye!
Glasses: Wire rim spectacles.
Pocket Watch: Metal trim and chain and metallic gold paint.
Edition closed 04/30/00.
Product Details
Alice is tired of logic and lessons and the ordinary world. She wants a world of her very own: a world of nonsense, if you please, where everything will be what it isn't, and "contrariwise," when it isn't, will be what it is. That's why she's so very eager to follow the White Rabbit, despite some sound advice to herself about not going where one hasn't been invited. Once she's tumbled in it's too late to turn back, and Alice finds Wonderland not only as nonsensical and fantastical as she could have hoped, but frustrating and perplexing as well. "It's all so confusing!" she cries after mad tea parties and caterpillars and disappearing cats. But it's all very well to complain now that she's gotten what she wanted. Perhaps she should have followed her own "very good advice" and stayed where she was, and left Wonderland to her dreams.